Prints and Permissions

Ansel Adams once said, “The negative is the equivalent of the composer’s score, and the print the performance.”   This is a philosophy that I take to heart.   Consequently, I print my own work - one image at a time.  There is no link to buy commercial reproductions.   If you are interested in a custom print of a particular image, send me an email and we can discuss size, type of media, price, etc.   We can also discuss image usage.

Contact email:

If you have a restaurant or service business, please contact me about displaying my photographs for the enjoyment of your customers. I can provide framed images on a consignment/loan basis so that you can present unique decor without out-of-pocket expense.


I remember when I was five years old and my dad had parked on the side of the road in the “middle of nowhere” in Wyoming. I could see rolling plains for miles in all directions. I looked down at the ground and saw an ant crawling across the sand between a twig and a small plant. It was the first “detail” that made an impression on me and I vowed to remember it forever. At the time, I wished there was a way I could save that image.


Five years later, my dad had set up a darkroom in the garage. He started to develop his own film and make prints. When I saw that first image forming in the tray under the soft glow of the red light, my dream was realized. The moments that were important to me could be saved!


It is now many years later and I have been Blessed with the tools and opportunity to capture special, fleeting moments in diverse locations and share them with folks who may not get the same chance to experience the wonder and beauty of God’s creation.


“Sometimes I do get to places just when God’s ready to have somebody click the shutter.” – Ansel Adams

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People wonder about the “UFF DA!” symbol that they see at the top of my home page. That is my Norwegian influenced, Japanese Inkan (signature stamp) that I use on select photographic prints. “Uff da!” is a general purpose, Norwegian exclamation that roughly translates to “Oh then!”. You might say “Uff Da!” when you stub your toe, see an unanticipated repair bill, or notice a particularly striking scene. One of my dearest friends gave me a VERY special gift of an Inkan that she had custom-made in Japan.


Copyright Notice

All images on this site are copyrighted WITH the Copyright Office.   That means that you probably shouldn’t steal an image unless you are homeless or have a desire to be homeless. (Ask your attorney about “WITH”).

If someone grabs an image for a screensaver, enjoy - I’m not going to be concerned. If someone takes an image and calls it their own, produces a print, and/or uses it for commercial purposes, I will take appropriate action.