Tools and Opportunity

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Adventureland! your own yard!

If you are stuck at home by choice or circumstance, till the soil and tend the garden - and create your own adventure!

We’ll go that-a-way and poke around.

Find your favorite chair.

Fall is often called “the second Spring”.

Morning Glory, Evening Grace.

Backlit roses.

Cactus that only blooms at night and only once a year.

Sometimes we miss the bloom because the flowers start falling off by early morning. So I set up a “time lapse” studio for several nights until I caught the action.

This is the edited version of hundreds of images.

The flora will attract the wildlife of a more manageable size.

A unique one will stop by on occasion.

The Gulf Fritillary butterfly is our favorite.

The Frit is attracted to Passion Vine to lay their eggs.

You can see the egg in relation to a finger tip and the resulting caterpillar that will feast on leaves until it forms a chrysalis.

After two to three weeks it emerges for its short but beautiful journey.

They manage to migrate from the Gulf of Mexico every year.

Nature taught me a great deal about web design. It is tedious, doesn’t always come together as planned, and is subject to bugs.

Orange Dragonflies are attracted to water and high points.

Imagine this intricate wing structure beating at thirty times a second.

A bit nearsighted, though, when looking for a mate.

This Agapostemon - also know as a Sweat Bee - is smaller than your fingernail.

Thousands of flowers to choose from - and they both wanted this one.

A Gnatcatcher pauses long enough for a portrait. Small and elusive, and fast enough to catch bugs on the fly.

Hummingbirds are attracted to a flora buffett.

Their “prime rib” is Abutilon, also known as Flowering Maple.

Their wings are so thin they are translucent .

And they have cute toes…

An aeronautic miracle that can’t be mechanically duplicated.

If you want to start a party, get a fountain!

Birds will be dropping by at all hours.

…and leaving.

The rare “Yellow Breasted Gargler”.

Hummingbirds love the jacuzzi feature.

The Cedar Waxwing always stop by on their trip through town.

This Robin is a bit large but manages to find footing.

His arrival was unannounced.

Sometimes there are social distancing issues.

The definition of “pecking order”.

And you may have met this guy before.

The strangest phenomenon occurs when the temperature reaches 100°F (38°C).

The fountain is swarmed by bees!

At this temperature the bees abandon their pollen duties and collect water to bring back to the hive. They deposit the water inside the hive and other bees flap their wings and produce air conditioning for the Queen.

Some of the local wildlife has four legs.

Not that they always utilize them…

Our resident feral feline will cautiously assess your safety factor.

You’re harmless.

No place like Gnome!


© 2020

Morris Truman Erickson